We are now closed to submissions for our 2024 anthology. If you’ve submitted and haven’t heard back from us, please be patient: we’ll be making our final selections soon. Please keep an eye out this October for our anthology #2!
What we’re looking for:
Fiction: Wondering if your story will be a good fit? Check out our current issue to get a better feel. We’re looking for stories in the range of 1500 to 6000 words. We like sci-fi, dark fantasy, and horror, though you’ll find we skew mostly horror. Give us your monsters, your ghosts, your psychological thrillers, your paranormal mysteries, your demon-possessions, your outer-space terrors, your cosmic entities, your dystopian futures, your dystopian present-days, your counter-earths, your political nightmares, your literal nightmares, your rips in the space-time continuum. Just make us shudder with horror and delight. Also, if yours is a voice that has been traditionally underrepresented in these genres, we’d especially like to hear from you.
Please email all submissions as .doc or .rft attachments to submissions@vanishingpointmagazine.com. Please put the title of the work and the word count in the subject line. Include a short author bio, written third person, in your cover letter. We will include this alongside your published story. Please follow the Shunn Standard Manuscript Format (Modern) (link: https://www.shunn.net/format/story/)
Response times
We are currently reading for the October 2024 anthology. We will make our selections by 5/31/24. Please do not inquire about the status of your work before 30 days after that. Unfortunately, space limitations mean we cannot accept all work–even if we like it! Do not despair if you get a form rejection from us. In an effort to address every submission in a timely fashion, we cannot write personalized rejections. Please feel free to submit a different story in the future!
Simultaneous submissions
We do not currently accept simultaneous submissions.
This magazine is a passion project for us, and all the work done is on a volunteer basis. As much as we’d like to, as a fledgling magazine, we cannot afford to pay professional rates to our writers. Each accepted submission will receive $25.
All rights are non-exclusive. Our contracts are for first print/electronic rights, along with anthology rights and first rights to produce a podcast recording of your work. You may read a sample contract here. Writers must be at least 18 years old.